Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Length Update tool settings

Length Divisor

Sets the length divisor. The length is computed in master units and then divided by the Length Divisor. By default this value is 1.0 (one master unit). It is possible to apply divisor scale factors to convert length from master units to an alternative scale; for example, converting feet to miles. If master units are set to feet, and you want to compute length in miles, enter 5280.

Table Name

Selects the database table name to which the linear element is linked. Key in a table name. Only linear elements that are linked to this table are used in the computation of length. Choose a table name before choosing a Length column.


Opens a listing of available database tables.

Length Column

Selects the column in the database table where length information is stored. By default this value is LENGTH. Key in a table name. When a value is entered in the Table Name field, the table is checked for the existence of the Length column. If Length exists, the computed length is placed in the text box. If Length does not exist, the text box is cleared.


Opens a listing of available database columns.


Updates the database with line length-related data.